Device is Fully Unlocked/International Use Also, unless stated otherwise! The minimum battery health will be 80%. Newer devices tend to have higher battery health. IMEI is clean, Fully Functional/Tested. All devices go through is 50 point inspection by verified by Phonecheck . Fair Condition : Noticeable wear and tear We are a Verified Seller. Buy with confidence. All prices are firm. Some devices may have high quality Replaced parts. These are fully tested/guaranteed to be fully functional. Please be aware that iPhone 11 and after models may display messages such as "Unknown Part" or “Unable to verify this iPhone has a genuine Apple display,” "camera," or "battery" in the settings menu. These messages do not affect your ability to use your iPhone. Apple includes them to ensure you are informed about the service history. Such messages may appear even after a repair by Apple. Any repaired iPhone will display notifications regarding the authenticity of its parts. If the device has a new battery, the battery health may not be displayed in the settings. We provide a 30 day money back guarantee for any technical issues dating from purchase on all of our devices. Please contact us for any questions/concerns!