Here is a 12" tall 10" wide and 6" deep plush doll of the St. Louis Cardinals mascot called Fredbird. This specific doll was to celebrate Fredbird's Birthday Bash. I don't know what year this was for, but I'm assuming this was a Stadium Giveaway or SGA. The St. L entertwined logo is embroidered on the bottom of his left foot (sorry I didn't get a picture of that). He weighs 5 ounces. Pre-owned but still looks in good condition to me. I don't see any noticeable flaws. FREDBIRD'S STORY Fredbird was born in April of 1979. From the day he was hatched, Fredbird loved going to games with Mom and Dad Bird. He loved the crowd and the game itself, (he also liked the popcorn, hotdogs, and soda too.) Before the games he was always playing around on the field with the players, umpires, and ushers. While watching the games he liked to have fun with the fans around him. One day Fredbird got up on the dugout and started dancing in between innings when the music was playing. Fredbird did this at every home game and the fans loved it. As Fredbird got older, he did more and more around the ballpark. He started dancing, playing with his watergun, playing jokes on the umpires, and shooting t-shirts out to the crowd. The Cardinals noticed how much the fans loved Fredbird and decided to give him a life-long contract as their mascot. Look for Fredbird at EVERY GAME that you attend at Busch Stadium. You will most likely see him driving his truck, dancing on the dugout, or beaking a few fans' heads. Watch out, you might be the next one to be beaked!