This Apple iPhone 11 Pro is a powerful device with a Hexa Core processor and Apple A13 Bionic chipset model. It has a 256 GB storage capacity and 4 GB of RAM. The phone is unlocked and has a single SIM card slot. It comes in a random color and has a 5.8 inch screen size. The phone has a range of features including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, touch screen, GPS, video calling, email, web, email access, nano SIM, rear camera, video camera, camera, music player, and a built-in memory. It also has connectivity options such as CDMA, GSM, 4G, 3G, lightening, and LTE. This device is perfect for anyone looking for a high-quality smartphone with top-of-the-line features. Dear buyer, due to the following human factors affecting secondary sales, we do not support returns and refunds. 1.On the basis of the original condition of the phone, due to the lack of warranty stickers on the bottom screw opening, the phone may be dropped, bumped, or squeezed, resulting in significant scratches and dents on the ingress; phone case and screen; Human caused damage to mobile phones due to water。 2. Human caused screen breakage, screen compression damage, and other human induced damages that result in the inability to use phone functions; 3. Unauthorized jailbreaking, restoring, and erasing of devices, locking of ID accounts on the phone causing inability to activate and enter the system,installation of unofficial software, flashing and updating the system, resulting in the phone being unable to function properly; 4.If your phone does not experience the above situation and becomes unusable, we provide a 90 day warranty service! You can send your phone back to China or to your local partner (if available), and we have professional technicians to provide you with repair services.