This factory unlocked Apple iPhone 13 in blue is a top-of-the-line smartphone with an impressive Hexa Core processor and 4 GB of RAM. Its 6.1 inch screen size and dual SIM card slot make it a perfect choice for those who want a large-screen phone with the convenience of two phone numbers. The compactFlash memory card type and 128 GB of storage capacity ensure that you have plenty of space to store all your favorite apps, photos, and videos. With its advanced features and high-quality 12.0 MP camera resolution, this Apple iPhone 13 is a must-have for anyone who wants a smartphone that can keep up with their busy lifestyle. Its sleek bar style design and factory unlocked contract make it a great choice for anyone who wants a phone that is both stylish and versatile. So why wait? Get your hands on this top-of-the-line smartphone today!